Digital NLP Products

Here’s a list of NLP products available. Can you imagine what your life would be like once you integrate these into it?

Thousands of businesses and website owners have used these patterns to influence their prospects and customers to buy when other methods (and traditional copywriting) didn’t work so well. Do you want to make your advertising more powerful? A person could use these patterns to build an empire! Check it out here:


How would you like to learn how to hypnotize someone without their knowing it? It’s called Conversational (or Covert) Hypnosis, and it’s gotten very popular thanks to people like Derren Brown. It’s a method of DIRECTLY connecting with someone’s subconscious mind just by talking to them. Visit this webpage today…


No matter what you are selling, you’ll find a fill-in-the blank template perfect for you. Whether you are pressed for time and you can’t come up with persuasive website copy, you don’t really understand the full power of NLP Language Patterns, or you are not a native speaker of English but you want to attract the huge English speaking market…you will find a template to do the job. If you are selling a single product like an ebook, you have a line of products, or you are selling a service, you will find a fill-in-the-blank template that will be perfect for you. Each template has the right combinations important and persuasive NLP Language Patterns. See for yourself here:


If I could show you a simple way to change someone’s mind, have them take your advice, reverse their opinion, or make them buy from you quickly, would you be interested?

Then go to:

There you will find more information on using some of the world’s most effective and powerful language patterns and persuasion techniques. I think you’ll find it quite interesting — and quite unlike anything you’ve seen before.


Do you have your own business? Perhaps you just sell some things on eBay or on Craigslist. We all have to sell something at some time. Click on the link below and you will find more information on some of the most effective language patterns there are to stoke red-hot desire in your products (or services). Check it out here:


Did you know that if you can control the “movies” (and soundtrack) in other people’s minds, you can get them to buy whatever you’re selling? Great persuaders and advertisers have been doing it for centuries.

If this sounds useful to you, visit this web page:


Don’t you just admire people who are great with words and have golden tongues.. People; such as politicians, comedians, or lawyers; who can handle any type of question or insult thrown at them without missing a beat? Not only responding to it well, but putting the other person in their place at the sametime.

Like the time when the first female member of Parliament said to Winston Churchill: “If you were my husband, Id poison your tea.” to which Churchill replied, “Madam, if you were my wife, Id drink it.”

Or the time when Mark Twain was asked if he went to the funeral of a noted politician, replied, “I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”

I’ve created a report that shows you how to make your language devastating and your wit quick. But I wrote it more to be entertaining and to show you how many NLP language patterns can be used in the opposite purpose from the way they were developed.

If this sounds interesting to you, visit this webpage now:



How would you like to have the whole NLP Language Patterns for Advertising blog full of marketing magic right at your fingertips?

I’ve had quite a few readers write to me and say that they downloaded the whole blog to their computer.

So, I’ve made it easier and turned the whole blog into an ebook (PDF) with a clickable Table of Contents.

It’s called the NLP Language Patterns for Ads Blog eBook and here’s just some of what’s inside:

– Changing prospects’ beliefs, values, and behaviors…
– Getting prospects to doubt the claims of your competitors…
– Weasel Words for Fun & Profit…
– Using Sleight of Mouth patterns and NLP Logical Levels in your advertising to take it to the next level of persuasion…
– The best way to agitate your prospective customers without scaring them off…
– Anchoring objections to your competitors
– Getting inside your customers’ heads where you can move things around to your liking…
– The best way to write speeches, give presentations, write successful AdWords ads…
– Easy ways to create your own proprietary keywords, products and services. Ideal for your USP or branding…

Visit this page for more information:



Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to convey the benefits of your products or service quickly and evoke deep emotions in your prospective customers?

The proper use of images sends a powerful message to your prospective customers.

This power of the image derives from its ability to convey a message all at once, as a whole chunk of meaning, on several levels of the mind.

But the wrong use of images can confuse people, make fun of your message, and even cause you tolose business. Who needs that?

Visit this page to find out more on how to use images with language to create incredibly persuasive advertising: